I've been looking at all the wonderful art Sarah has on her site when I came across the above image. It was an early concept piece for Ant Bully. I loved how "Lord of the Flies" this felt. A little dark, a little mysterious and tons of potential for adventure.
I'm very happy with how our film has turned out and I hope that "John Q Public" and his 2.2 kids finds it just as entertaining. I was just reflecting on what the first pass of the script I read was like compared to what we actually produced for the big screen. I'll wait till after July 28th to really get into the before and afters, I just wanted to see what kind of stories you other industry type folks had. Some I know are major, entire script rewrites, characters removed, characters added...and some are not so drastic. I love hearing about those changes the same way I like reading the original draft of scripts to see the "evolution" of a project.
As fun as our movie is now, I wonder what it would have been like had it kept the feel of this original artwork...hmmmmmm.