So the dogs were outside freaking out and I'm all like "what the...?" and the dogs are all like "bark, bark, bark"...and I'm all ticked because they know I don't speak dog that well, especially when they're talking all fast 'en stuff. Right about then the rest of the family bum rushes me to explain that the dogs were getting gang signs flashed at them by a passing deer...which is strange since deer don't really have the appendages for proper gang signage. Anyway, we have deer in them there hills. I love it here.
oh neat.
send me one.
i want a deer.
I wanted to but they said they don't trust anyone who doesn't eat meat...go figure.
So lemme tell you my story. I saw this post from work, but the pictures were blocked from the commie company that I work for. So I sent the link to my house so I could check out the awesome deerz in greater Seattle. So I get home and check my mail and what do I find? Pure awesomeness! Those Seattle deer are a little bit different than ours. My dog would love it up there, he'd at least get a taste of his own medicine.... later -rab
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