This is what I'll get to be working on at
Valve...Hellz Yeah!!! I love the style and I've already seen some of the gameplay and it's going to be awesome. I'm not a
Burke about gaming but Valve definetly knows how to make the games that draw me in so I'm super excited about working on this title.
Oh you'll come over to the dark side Mathew. Mark my words. You will have l33t skills.
Wow...I feel like the dislexic kid in class.
what the hell does that mean, dawg?
4 r331 yo...could you all stop speaking in cool kid code for all us uncool nerds.
those characters look friggin sweet. Must be fun to animate.
Can't wait to play it when it comes out. oh and... ADD ME TO YOUR LINKS
Hey Matthew. It's youngjae.. How are you doing up there? Those characters look awesome. Let me know when the game comes out.
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