As much as I want to believe that this will be awesome, there's an underlying feeling of dread...and that sucks. Because everything I've seen looks great. The trailer, the images released at the beginning of the year. All of it looks great...except for TinTin. And that statement in itself is a bit misleading. It's not that Tintin looks bad, I wouldn't know really. We haven't been given a good look at him yet and THAT'S what has me worried. He's the lead, center, main character in this thing and they're giving him the Michael Jackson treatment (no, not giving him too much anesthetic) but hiding his face at every turn. They might as well have a surgical mask on him while he's dangling a baby off a balcony....wow, I took that Michael Jackson thing a little too far. Anyway, I know there have been marketing campaigns in the past based around keeping the final look of the character under wraps for as long as possible but I wouldn't think Tintin would fall into that category...I could be wrong but my fear is that in trying to ride some line between photo-real and stylized (which them seem to have pulled off pretty well with all the other characters I've seen) that, with Tintin, they may not have pulled it off...please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong...I'm hoping that if I say it enough I will be wrong. We'll see.