Not to long ago I finished reading Stephen King's book "Cell". That would have been the end of that except that's it's been a while since I've finished a book that wasn't either about animation/writing/film making or some kind of non-fiction ( I loves me some Sarah Vowel).
T.M.I. ALERT....
Most of my reading takes place in the brief time I'm either in the bathroom or before I fall asleep.
...end T.M.I. Alert
Anyway, so finding a book that held my attention long enough to set time aside to finish it was nice. Then I realized that none of my other blogging pals have posted book reviews...most just give their oppinions in the form of a single "witty" image (yeah, I'm calling you out Burkey Pants)...the closest other friends have gotten is to actually write and publish a book (so, yeah...a little envious of the talents of one Deanna Molinaro)...and others have had their artwork and stories published on some high falutin' compilation ( thanks for adding to my inferiority complex Sarah)...But I digress, despite all of these wonderful things that they have done I've yet to see a single book review (and if someone points me to a link of one that I've missed I will immediately close my eyes, stick my fingers in my ears and scream over and over "I'm not listening, I'm not listening.)
That being said, I've taken it upon myself to post my feedback on "Cell"by Stephen King....
I liked it and the ending didn't suck.
I read this book. I remember it not being what I expected at the beginning but I think I ended up liking it as well. Twas a while ago so my memory isn't that sharp.
you said "cheers"...
you are spending too much time with hamish....
maybe I will look into this book...
stepehen king books are usually good until you get to the end... he also has this disturbing trend to throw in raunchy sato-masochist sex scenes, that seem to come out of no where... and usually involve zombies or vampire monkeys or something... you should read the talisman... that is a great book by king... although it falls apart a tiny bit at the end... but not enough to make it not worth reading... its fairly brilliant... I tried to read it but its 1000 pages... so I listened to the audiobook
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